There couldn’t have been a better day for hanging out with Santa, Mrs. Santa, and Santa’s favorite elf, Carly.  Well, ok, it could have snowed, but at least it was cold!  Salt Box Village had IWP Photography manage their on site printing and photography needs Saturday and we got some great pictures.  We were in the old Bear Rock location of Salt Box Village, and it was decorated just like a little piece of the North Pole!  They even had a fake fire in the fireplace!  You know, there are still so many good people in this world and we got to meet some of them today!  Santa really enjoyed being there with the kids and Mrs. Santa just LOVED, LOVED, LOVED what she was doing….wow…it was really incredible to watch these two fuss over all these little ones….they really enjoyed each and every child that came through those doors.  And, Ms. Santa went outside looking for kids sometimes!   Santa was played by the Property Managers Father in law and he did an awesome job working for the real Santa who is of course resting up for the big night and couldn’t get away from the North Pole to be with us.  I wish our son could have seen him!  Lisa’s whole family and team were involved actually to making this event so successful and making IWP Photography feel so welcome.  Over and over again, we were told how wonderful our photos were.  We had parents come back and order more because it was the best Santa photo they had ever seen.  Tesh is so patient, and at one point, there was a little boy name Michael that would have nothing to do with the whole thing and myself, Tesh, Santa, and Michael’s Dad finally got him to go visit with

Santa…it was great!  Michael didn’t smile all the way, but he did make it through sitting on Santa’s lap for the first time…he was such a big boy!  All of the tenants were involved, and some of them put out their products for people to see.  Ace Hardware was very kind to help us out with lots of their products for show and use, and The Meat House cooked the best sirloin I have ever tasted!  The Write Image provided the photo folders for the photos that Tesh took.  It was an awesome event and really put IWP Photography in the holiday mood!